Countdown to Beijing: Student consulting China. Radio Entrepreneurs and ICP Asia


Student Consulting China!  International Consulting Project in Asia.

Many thanks to Radio Entrepreneurs for inviting me to do a second segment on the upcoming International Consulting Project trip to Asia in a few, short days.

The 13-minute audio link is below.

Have you ever dreamed of climbing the Great Wall of China? How about consulting to a Chinese firm in Beijing? We are in the process of planning the 2014 International Consulting Project Asia. This is a 3-credit course that involves consulting work during the fall semester on campus. At the end, there is a trip to Beijing in January/2015 to deliver the team’s recommendation personally to the client, at their offices. This is the 13th year in a row that this program has been offered. For questions about this program, please contact Gregory Stoller.

Student testimonial: My experience with ICP Asia was one of the best experiences I had at Boston College! Not only did I travel to Beijing, China to see the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, enjoy the nightlife and experience every day life, but it was also an immensely positive learning experience. I enjoyed working with professional consultants at CCAFM, a boutique consulting firm in China. Together, my team from Boston College paired with consultants at CCAFM on a project which entailed analysis of non-performing loans in the United States and in Europe. Before this project I understood little about non-performing loans, let alone enough to advise clients on how to invest in them. I really liked learning about a topic that has such relevance to what’s happening in the financial markets right now. Semester long research culminated in an awesome presentation to CCAFM and their client!


Student Consulting China!

2014 trip to CCAFM for Management Consulting.


About Author

Greg Stoller is actively involved in building entrepreneurship and international business programs at Boston University's Questrom School of Business. He teaches courses in entrepreneurship, global strategy and management and runs the Asian International Management Experience Program, and the Asian International Consulting Project.

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