LOB Filming: How to Network Effectively


LOB Filming: How to Network Effectively

We wrapped up our filming for 48in48 with a studio appearance from Joe Koufman from Agency Sparks. Once again, a huge shout out to him for flying up from Atlanta in part, just to be on the show, and for arranging so many guests for yesterday’s on location filming.

After Joe, we filmed five segments for a new episode on Effective Networking, with an exciting line up of guests:

Steve Snyder is an Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Boston’s premier law firm, Gesmer Updegrove, for technology companies and emerging businesses, and he works with entrepreneurs to help them grow their companies.

Henry Mittelman is an author, and revenue and performance improvement business advisor and business coach to CEO’s, Business Owners, and Senior Executives.

Diane Darling has a knack for helping people learn how to build mutually beneficial relationships – even if they’re an introvert. She is LinkedIn member #15,418 and joined it the year it started (2003). She has been speaking and writing about relationship management since 2000. She’ll be joining us in the future…

Diana Aliberti is an Independent Sales Consultant. She received some good coverage in this Boston Herald article.

As President & CEO of Inspiration Zone LLC (IZL), Juliette Mayers brings 25 years of award-winning expertise in marketing and business strategy. With a successful track record in measurable business growth, she helps companies remain competitive in today’s rapidly changing marketplace.

We’re working on the following upcoming episodes: Sustainable Investing, Youth entrepreneurship, Local entrepreneurship, Convention Management, Boston Public Food Market and Doing Business in Cuba. Guest referrals are welcome at any time as we move into season #2 for the Language of Business show. Thanks to you, our viewers, we are broadcast on commercial TV, on demand via this Blog and on over 100 public access stations in 37 states across the US.




About Author

Greg Stoller is actively involved in building entrepreneurship and international business programs at Boston University's Questrom School of Business. He teaches courses in entrepreneurship, global strategy and management and runs the Asian International Management Experience Program, and the Asian International Consulting Project.

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