Here is a list of English language links discussing our joint program:
1-hour interview on national radio call-in show discussing 2020 US – China Trade Deal
Remote Workers Need Backups for their Backups
Students Turn Chinese Executives for a Week
Excepts from speech on Innovation and International Entrepreneurship (referencing ICP at the end)
Re-thinking in China– Op-Ed piece
2-hour interview on national radio call-in show discussing ICP and China’s economic trends
Here’s a link to an article in Find MBA which discusses ICP and job placements
This is a radio interview while in Beijing
This is a radio interview right before our upcoming trip to Beijing
This link is from a press release on the Boston College Law School web site
This link is from a press release on the CSOM web site
Here’s a link on the ICP Latin American course, which evolved from our work with ICP Asia
Alumnus Matt Muhlhauser discusses the “quality work” he performs in this link
Much of our students’ work from our past projects has been published in financial and business magazines in China. Here are the links for the abstracts:
Chinese Media Summary from 3-city Speaking Tour
Country Level Financial Assessment / Valuation
Activity Based Costing / Risk Management
CCAFM has also widely publicized our joint consulting work on its web site: