Project Summaries ICP

Centralized Fund Management

Centralized Fund Management


Centralized Fund Management: For the topic’s background, use enterprise groups as the study subject, analyze the current situation, the problems and requirements of two or three enterprise groups, explain how their capital administrations work, put forward and compare the optional solutions and software platforms of enterprise group capital administration. In addition, it is good to provide some operable theories.



Non Performing Loans

Non Performing Loans


Non-Performing Loans: Unfortunately, like the US and then Europe several years ago, mainland China is now dealing with some of the uncertainty caused by banks being saddled with portfolios of non performing debt. The project was how to develop a valuation methodology through which a Chinese federal agency, whose equivalent might be the US Resolution Trust Corporation from the late 80’s / early 90’s, can determine the values of certain individual loans, their portfolios, etc.

1月6日下午,中华咨询与美国波士顿商学院联合项目研究团队——中国资产管理公司进入欧美不良贷款市场课题研究小组来到四大资产管理公司之一的信达资产管 理有限公司,就该课题的阶段性研究成果作汇报演说。信达资产陈维中副总裁、肖玉萍董事、刘向辉董事出席,公司首席风险师王海军同志主持,总部资产评估部张 载明、郭金春等部门领导;天健兴业领导孙建明董事长、王占峰副总经理;以及中华咨询领导傅继军董事长、程静萍董事出席并听取了汇报。
该项目以中国资产管理公司进入欧美不良资产市场的机遇与挑战为主题,深入研究了欧美的不良资产市场现状与法律环境情况,从中分析总结市场的机遇与挑战,并 为中国资产管理公司进行海外开拓提供了具有实践意义的建议。信达资产有关领导表示,该课题研究了美国不良资本市场的监管体系,分析了现有监管体系下不同方 式不良资产投资详细步骤,总结对比了不同投资方式的投资要求、优缺点等。这类信息对信达进入美国不良资产市场的前期研究提供了有力的支持。

据悉,此项目从6月正式启动,到12月提交最终报告,历时7个月。项目核心成员11人,其中美方7人,中方4人。美方项目组成员有用良好的专业 优势和从业经验。其中,项目组长Harvey Aaron是美国注册会计师协会、美国律师协会、注册理财师协会会员,目前是审计公司高级经理, 拥有超过30年的从业经验。核心成员SARA J. WIRSUL服务于知名共同基金管理公司 OLD MUTUAL,Jenna. Hardy任职于富达投资。其他成员分别在风险投资、资产管理和法律方面拥有良好的经验。

在此之前,中华咨询与波士顿商学院之间的项目合作已有7年的历史。在这段时间里,双方友好合作,站在全球化的高度,把握全球企业脉动,紧跟世界先进企业发 展步伐,共同致力于企业管理领域的学术研究与项目实践。经过长期磨合,合作效果渐入佳境,多年来成果颇丰,受到了业界的关注与国内外多家大型客户企业的好 评,双方也互相成为具有国际视野的战略合作伙伴。

Economic Value Added (EVA)

Economic Value Added (EVA)


Economic Value Added (EVA): An analysis of the Economic Value Added valuation technique, and how it can be quantitatively applied. EVA has now been mandated by many publicly traded Chinese firms, much as Acts like Sarbanes Oxley is now required in the US (albeit for different reasons, of course).

1月5日下午,中华咨询与美国波士顿商学院联合项目研究团队——EVA在国内外应用课题研究小组来到中国华能,就该课题的阶段性研究成果作汇报演说。华能有关领导出席并听取了汇报。汇报从EVA的定义及核心理念,世界知名公司对EVA的应用情况, EVA的应用难点和局限性三个方面系统地理解和阐释EVA,并结合了国际典型案例,深度剖析了EVA近年来在全球范围内的最新实践情况,赢得了华能与会领导的一致好评。

据悉,中华咨询与波士顿商学院之间的项目合作已有7年的历史。在这段时间里,双方友好合作,站在全球化的高度,把握全球企业脉动,紧跟世界先进企业发展步 伐,共同致力于企业管理领域的学术研究与项目实践。经过长期磨合,合作效果渐入佳境,多年来成果颇丰,受到了业界的关注与国内外多家大型客户企业的好评, 双方也互相成为具有国际视野的战略合作伙伴。以中华咨询经年历久所积累的本土智慧,结合波士顿商学院高屋建瓴站在学术前沿的国际视野,两者的结合是国外先进的管理理念与国内的本土实践的完美结合,这种合作将成为一种共赢与互补,促进双方的共同发展。

Business Model Innovation

Business Model Innovation


Business Model Innovation: The study will focus on current emerging business models, and provide references to Chinese firms.

1. The kinds of business model innovation: What kinds of emerging business models worldwide? And what are the business model innovations are for each industry, and what aspects/factors these innovations are applied to?
2. How to innovate business models for the traditional and emerging firms respectively? How to decide the timing to innovate models, how to design the innovation model, and how to implement it?
3. The risks of innovation. What are the risks of each business model innovation and how to avoid these risks?

The study will involve case studies with depth and thoroughness in industries such as Petrochemicals, Financial industry、E-Commerce、Telecom industry, and Biopharmaceutical industry. During the case studies, you may need to point out: 1)the issues, problems raised in the cases; 2)the uniqueness of the model innovation; 3)the challenges the firms were facing and how they solved them and; 4)the risks and how to avoid those risks etc.

有地图者不迷路,有模式者不盲目。对于现代企业来讲,商业模式的创新至关重要。商业模式决定企业成败,这一理念已经得到越来越多的企业和专家的认可。由于经济的衰退,导致诸多企业原有的商业模式不再具有强大的竞争力。同时,新兴市场虽然为全球企业提供发展的空间,但它们经济和市场结构的特殊性要求这些企业对自身的商业模式进行变革。另外,随着全球化的进一步深入和高科技的迅速发展,越来越多的新型企业通过对高新技术的有效利用而对各个行业的发展规律进行深刻地变革。在这种情况下,全球大企业为了生存和发展就必须重新考察和构造自己的商业模式。 商业模式创新的报告主要分成三大部分,第一部分概述了商业模式创新和创新管理的历史沿革,其中涵盖了创新的意义,夯实的理论研究和成功创新必备的技巧。在第二部分选取金融服务行业,电子商务,石化行业,生物制药和电信五个行业中的实际案例结合理论,分析阐述创新的实际应用成果。最后,对创新中常见的错误加以提示与强调。

Cross-border Mergers & Acquisitions

Cross-border Mergers & Acquisitions


Cross-border Mergers & Acquisitions: With mainland China trying to secure more dependable sources of natural resources (i.e. oil, concrete, coal), the government and private firms have been on acquisition binges to take over overseas companies. We offered them assistance on how to structure and analyze different M&A techniques, etc.

1 月6日上午,中国兵器工业集团公司资本运营部主任李金泉、资本运营部资本运营处处长石兵、凌云工业集团公司总会计师郑兴国、凌云工业股份有限公司副总经理 冯浩宇等莅临中华咨询,参加中华咨询与美国波士顿商学院跨国并购重组课题小组研究成果汇报会,中华咨询执行董事、执行总经理丘洪生也出席了会议。会上,中 美联合课题小组通过案例研究,总结了跨国重组并购的未来发展趋势和其中存在的问题,点出了中国企业在进行跨国并购重组时所需要注意的重点环节,赢得了与会 领导的认可。

在此背景下,为了对国内企业及公司客户越来越活跃的跨国并购活动提供一定的跨国并购知识及专业指导,中华财务咨询公司与波士顿商学院的专项研究课题之一选 定为跨国并购案例研究。据悉,本研究中案例全部来源于波士顿商学院学生对真实案例的参与人士的专访,案例新颖,视角独特,能够为中国企业进行跨国并购提供 一定的借鉴和参考。

中华咨询与波士顿商学院之间的项目合作已有7年的历史。在这段时间里,双方友好合作,站在全球化的高度,把握全球企业脉动,紧跟世界先进企业发展步伐,共 同致力于企业管理领域的学术研究与项目实践。经过长期磨合,合作效果渐入佳境,多年来成果颇丰,受到了业界的关注与国内外多家大型客户企业的好评,双方也 互相成为具有国际视野的战略合作伙伴。

EVA for Electric Utility Companies

EVA for Electric Utility Companies

EVA 在电力企业中的应用研究

EVA for Electric Utility Companies: This project is a continuation of last year’s EVA project, focusing on the use and implementation of EVA in electric utilities in North America. The implementation of EVA was researched in three major areas: strategic investment decisions, asset management, and mergers and acquisitions. We conducted thorough interviews with industry experts and detailed research of two electric utilities that use EVA. Based on the case studies, we found out that EVA works best when other factors are considered, such as political risk, shareholder risk, economic risk, etc. We also learned that scenario analysis should be conducted to provide a measure of the inherit risk of the valuation.

本项目是继去年 EVA 研究项目后专门针对电力行业的 EVA 应用研究,主要着 重于 EVA 在电力企业战略投资决策、资产管理以及企业并购等三个方面的实际案 例分析。在简要概括 EVA 理论及计算方法后,报告通过对两个北美大型电力企业在 EVA 应用方面的案例研究,总结出电力企业在 EVA 应用中应关注的几种风险因 素以及情景分析的重要性。

通过本次研究,可以有效借鉴美国的电力行业公司在实际应用 EVA 中的成功 经验,为国内的企业,尤其是电力企业提供可参照的范例。同时,研究过程中, 项目组充分利用有利资源,访谈调研有代表性的电力企业的中高层代表,并结合 具体并购及投资项目中对 EVA 的针对性的调整方式给予总结,初步明确了企业应 用 EVA 进行投资决策及企业并购必须针对各自投资性质平衡收益与风险,采用企 业对标、行业对标和情景分析及敏感性分析等多种手段测算投资并购项目的 EVA,为投资者制定决策提供依据。

Activity Based Costing

Activity Based Costing


Activity-based Costing: Activity-based Costing (ABC) is a kind of cost calculation and management method which measures the cost of the activity object through dynamic tracking of all activities, evaluates utilization of resources and performance of objects. With activity as the center, and based on resource consumption, ABC assigns the resource cost to activities, then according to operation, and to the amount of consumed products and services, ABC will eventually allocate cost to products and services. The ABC accounting system is based on the activities, first implementation accumulative cost, and then to apply the cost to product cost drivers apportion or other elements, such as customers, the market or projects. This research topic’s purpose is to understand how advanced enterprises in the U.S. incorporate ABC in their management experience, and how it can be applied for our customers in China wishing to use ABC as a reference point.

ABC 成本法是满足现代企业成本核算要求而产生的一种较为先进的成本计算 方法,被视为当代管理会计的重大发展成就之一。随着高科技在企业中的应用、 市场竞争的加剧和顾客需求的多样化,我国理论界和企业越来越开始关注 ABC 成本法在中国的应用。

一方面,当代高新科技的发展,人们的需求日新月异,企业产品成本结构发生了重大的变化,生产方式的转变对传统成本方式核算和管理方式提出了新的要 求,而 ABC 成本法不仅可以为企业提供更为精细、准确的成本核算信息,同时企业可以将作业分析法应用到成本管理的思想中,为成本控制管理提供新的理念。 另一方面,近几年的全球金融危机、全球经济一体化和资本国际化进程,导致企 业的管理者面临更加复杂的内外部竞争环境,能在市场环境中立于不败之地的竞 争力显得尤为重要,而成本管理是提高企业竞争力的关键,ABC 成本法为成本管理指明具体方向,准确、实时的成本信息保证了管理人员快速、科学地完成营销 决策和战略布局。

本次研究课题的目的是想了解美国先进企业在 ABC 成本法实际应用的一些经 验,从而为我们的客户在 ABC 成本法的落地和推广方面作为借鉴和参考。我们的报告主要分为三大部分:第一部分阐述了 ABC 成本法的理论基础,包括 ABC 的定 义、ABC 的运用及 ABC 面临的挑战等;第二部分用了 5 个案例进一步对 ABC 实施 步骤进行详细介绍,总结不同的案例公司在实施 ABC 过程中的经验;第三部分最 后阐明 ABC 的应用意义及应用难点。

此外,我们对 ABC 成本法在冶炼行业的应用进行了初步研究。通过对冶炼行 业的生产经营特点以及瑞木镍钴公司的实际情况进行分析,提出 ABC 成本法在冶 炼行业的应用价值和实施策略以供研讨。

Risk and the Multinational Corporation

Risk and the Multinational Corporation


Risk and the Multinational Corporation: Basing our research on the management system used in American multinational enterprises, we began analyzing our research on the configuration of the management system, the factors related to system construction, risk management, the implementation of the corporate system and the practices of management in overseas subsidiaries. We hope that this research can provide some successful experience for Chinese enterprises, and help them to build proper management systems and speed up their development.

随着“走出去”战略的执行,中国企业面临的环境越来越复杂,其可能遇到 的风险也将越来越多。如何及时识别风险,评估风险,并依据风险的级别采取相 应的措施降低风险的影响,便显得十分重要。本次项目希望通过对美国跨国公司风险识别、评估、应对等风险管理的调研分析,从中找到对中国跨国企业,尤其 是跨国企业风险管理的启示与经验借鉴。

项目选择了三家世界五百强的跨国公司——通用电气(GE)、波音(Boeing)、 强生(Johnson & Johnson)作为研究的对象。研究团队采用了与研究对象的风险管理人员面对面访谈的方法,辅以公开资料的收集与分析。

本次报告包括了三部分:第一部分项目介绍,包括了项目的研究范围、研究方法以及风险的定义。第二部分是报告的重点——三家公司的案例研究,从公司 整体风险、项目风险、结构风险三个层次分别介绍了三家公司的风险管理。其中项目风险是本次案例研究的重点,所谓项目就是指一项新技术或者一个新产品的 研发、生产、市场推广等过程。案例介绍了三家公司在风险识别、评估以及应对 时采用的方法以及通常的做法。

XBRL Reporting

XBRL Reporting


XBRL: XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is an internet-based, cross-platform and freely available computer language that is designed for business reporting. XBRL is a combination of accounting standards and computer languages, thus it allows the expression of unstructured data and semantic meaning commonly required in business reporting. XBRL successfully implements the maximization of data integration and utilization; therefore it is considered as the latest technology and global standard for financial data exchange. XBRL’s beginning can be traced to the initial effort of Charles Hoffman, a Certified Public Accountant from Washington, in 1998. In the following year, XBRL committee was founded under the joint effort of AICPA and several international corporations.

XBRL (可扩展商务报告语言)是基于互联网,跨平台操作,专门用于财务报告编制,披露和使用的计算机语言,基本实现数据的集成与最大化利用,会计信息数出一门,资料共享,是国际上将会计准则与计算机语言相结合,用于非结构化数据,尤其是财务信息交换的最新公认标准和技术。XBRL于1998年起源于美国,美国注册会计师Hoffman于1998年时提出,1999年,美国注册会计师协会联合多家跨国公司成立了XBRL指导委员会。


Developed Countries' Financial Assessment

Developed Countries’ Financial Assessment


Developed Countries’ Financial Assessment: This project is conducted to investigate the Institutions & Measures of Financial Assessment among the management to National Assets (Government holding and participating enterprises) and General Business (Non-government holdings) given by governments of developed countries (refer chiefly to American-European-Japanese).

本课题旨在了解发达国家(主要指的是欧美日等发达国家)政府对国有资产(主要指政府控股或参股企业)、一般企业(非政府参股企业)管理中有关企业财务管理评估的制度及措施,具体内容包括: 发达国家企业财务管理评估概况

Renewable Energy in the United States

Renewable Energy in the United States


Renewable Energy in the United States: The aim of this project is to provide an in-depth study of renewable energy development (especially solar and wind energy) in the U.S. and in E.U. countries. The Project objectives are (1) To explore the details of renewable energy policies in the U.S. and to analyze the impacts of those energy policies on America’s renewable energy development. (2) To examine the key technologies and innovations in the U.S. renewable energy industry and (3) To provide a comparison amongst the major renewable energy corporations in America.

“十二五”规划之处,加快转变经济发展方式,大力发展可再生能源已经成 为我国发展的重要课题。经过一段时间的发展,我国风能和太阳能等可再生能源 企业已经积累了一定的实力和和运营经验。同时,国内竞争不断加剧、上网困难等问题已经越来越影响可再生能源企业的运行。寻求对外投资机会已经成为中国 可再生能源企业的重要课题。而对海外市场和政策体系的不熟悉成为中国可再生 能源企业投资的拦路虎。

基于我国可再生能源开发商(主要是风电和太阳能)的实际需求,中华咨询与波士顿学院组成联合项目组对美国风电及太阳能开发投资市场的基本情况进行 了研究。研究内容包括以下方面:

一、美国新能源产业政策 项目组研究了美国联邦及发展可再生能源具有代表性的州为促进可再生能源
发展出台的法规及政策。研究了获得补贴或减税的条件,回答海外可再生能源开 发商能够通过那些政策控制投资成本。并重点分析了政策可能的未来走向。从美 国国内的视角分析了美国大选可能对新能源政策产生的影响。

与中国热衷于大力发展新能源形成对比的是,美国民众对于可在能能源的发 展前景持保守态度。尽管美国人民看到发展可再生能源对于环境及就业的益处, 但对可再生能源的经济性持怀疑态度。项目组采访了美国能源行业的分析师,对 这一问题给出了深入的分析。

项目研究了一家中型太阳能开发商、一家中型风能开发商及一家大型太阳能 开发商。分析其商业模式、发展策略、管控模式等,对于我国风电开发商具有较 好的借鉴意义。

创新及科技被视为美国经济发展的核心动力,本项目研究了可再生能源特别是风能如何于电子信息技术有效结合,提高风电的发电及并网效率,从而促进风 电投资。这类研究在我国之前很少有涉及,对面临越来越严重的限电问题的我国 风电开发商具有良好的借鉴意义。

Overseas M&A

Overseas M&A


Overseas M&A: The study will focus on the valuation methodologies applied in overseas M&As and to which the policies and legislations will affect. It aims to find out the comparably more suitable to one industry, issues raised and the methods to quantize some indicators/key factors.

1. Reasonable Capital Structure—How to decide which or what level of the capital structure in the valuation model is reasonable to the company itself, to maintain the current one, or to apply the industry capital structure, or assume some changeable capital structure?
2. Quantify the special risks in the discounted rate of return. (industry scale risk, financial risk(like financial distress) etc..
3. Current outflows of “social capital.” Analyze its current rate of returns through analysis of the regions、Countries、industries the social capital flows in and the corresponding rate of returns, aiming to find out the benchmarking rate of returns for one region/Country/industry/etc.
4. Balance between WACC and IRR. It’s known that when IRR is greater than WACC, the project is worth of investing. But how to quantize how worthy the project will be when IRR is 5% (or some other percentages) greater than WACC? Here, we are not taking the strategy and spare capitals of the company in consideration.




Advanced Manufacturing

Advanced Manufacturing

  1. The Policies and Related regulations etc:
  • Policies and regulations for each sub-industry (i.e.: the 4 US sub-industries that we agree upon)?
  • Only US policies and regulations?
  • What should the range / number of policies and regulations be? Should we focus only on the most crucial that are affecting each industry for the present time and future?
  1. The Present Situation:
  • Of each US sub-industry?
  • Focus on the present market?
  1. The Future Development Trend:
  • Of each US sub-industry?
  • Focus on the future market?
  • Time range for how many years into the future?
  1. Case Studies:
  • Focus on companies within these industries and present their current and future situations?
  • If so, focus on a single company in each sub-industry or multiple companies(how many)?
  • US sub-industries:
  1. Computers and Electronics
  2. Automobile 
  3. Aerospace
  4. Petroleum and Coal Products
  1. Comparisons with Germany Industry 4.0:
  • Does 4.0 refer to the 4 sub-industries, or to the name of the German industry?
  • On what level should we do the German comparison?
  • For example, should we compare the US sub-industries to one, all, or a combination of the above 4 (numbers 1-4 in the outline)?
  • i.e.: Only compare Germany and the US regarding the 4 sub-industries and their policies and regulation, only the case studies, only the present situation, etc?


This is an example of some of the many services the firm provides to its clients, and at the bottom, background on the long-term relationship with Boston College.

Sample Slide Deck

Sample Slide Deck

Here’s an excerpt from a recently delivered presentation in China.