Join us for a one-day workshop:
Develop a promotional video and written profile to grow your business.
You may have the best business in the world but it won’t matter if no one knows about it. We’re here to help you create the Perfect Pitch.
People want to do business with people they like. But they can’t like you if they don’t know you and they won’t know you if you’re not telling your story well.
Position your business for growth with an engaging video and written profile that will get you noticed. We will show you how and guide you through creating your very own video and profile that you can use on the web or for presentations.
January 14th at the Wellesley Community Center, 219 Washington St., Wellesley Hills.
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch included.
You will learn how to:
· Write an engaging profile for use on websites, LinkedIn, Social Media and more
· Develop an elevator pitch for video
· Sound good and look great on camera
· How to create an elevator pitch for in person presentations
You will leave with:
· An elevator pitch for in-person presentations
· A video elevator pitch
· A written profile of your business
This event is beneficial for:
· Small local business owners who are stepping up their marketing efforts
· Entrepreneurs who are looking for investors or partners
· Entrepreneurs who are ready to bring a product to market
Meet Your Instructors
Greg Stoller
Greg is actively involved in building entrepreneurship, experiential learning and international business programs at Boston University. He also actively mentors student teams which participate in business plan and venture capital competitions. He is the owner of a commercial real estate holding company and speaks, reads and writes 7 different languages. He holds a BS from Cornell University and MBA from Harvard Business School.
Areas of Expertise: Business Planning, International Entrepreneurship, Global Strategy
Don Kelley
Jennifer Powell
Jennifer is a communication strategy-and-content consultant who has helped dozens of small business owners improve their online presence with stronger websites, better blogs and effective social media strategies. She believes you have some important things to say and she wants to help you say them better. She works with business owners to reduce their stress around communications and knock out the roadblocks standing between them and their audience.