IME Asia Enrollment Open for 2015


IME Asia Enrollment Open!

2015 destinations are Tokyo, Seoul, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

1) The YouTube video is above, and check out a non-YouTube video overview of the course here. You can view the non-YouTube version in full screen mode, too!

2) More information IME can be found at this link, too.

3) The enrollment period ends at 12 noon THIS COMING FRIDAY (12/19). 

4) Contact me with any questions! Slides in the video available upon request, too.


Our International Management Experience (IME) programs provide exceptional exposure to economic activity, market trends and culture in Asia and Europe. These three-credit elective courses, which culminate with two week trips abroad, are regarded by participants as one of the most rewarding experiences of their graduate education and have prepared some of our students for international placements. Pre-travel course work includes exploration of economic, governmental and social factors that affect the conduct of business in a variety of industries and contexts. The trips involve visiting business executives, government leaders and entrepreneurs, observing first-hand the application of management principles and strategies in the global arena. We generally offer two IME courses during each spring semester: IME Asia and IME Europe.

What are students saying?: The company visits and alumni events were all fantastic. The alumni were interesting and ranged from people working in financial services to those running their family business. I learned more from this trip because I went directly into the field than I could likely ever gain from case studies about international business taught in a classroom.



About Author

Greg Stoller is actively involved in building entrepreneurship and international business programs at Boston University's Questrom School of Business. He teaches courses in entrepreneurship, global strategy and management and runs the Asian International Management Experience Program, and the Asian International Consulting Project.

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