TV Extra: Local service vs. national brand strength: Which can you truly bank on?
This is the latest entry in a feature entitled “Digging Deeper,” where we further explore topics with our guests. Please check out our Business Resources Directory page, too.
What’s more important to you as a banking customer?
Barry Sloane talks about dealing with a local lender, where he and his team make all loan decisions personally, as opposed to dealing with the sales representative of a much larger national bank institution.
Good article from Forbes: A Look Behind The Curtain: How To Choose A Mortgage Lender
How to save the most money choosing a lender. Nice write-up on Yahoo.
Mortgage broker vs Bank. Some sound advice from Realtor.com
Community bank vs. Big Banks. Bankrate.com helps you decide.
Want to learn even more? Barry’s full length TV interview can be found here.
Does old school, retail banking still matter in the rough-and-tumble world of big business. Barry Sloane certainly thinks so. He and his family have been in the banking business for nearly half a century. He’s the CEO, and President, of Century Bank.
Need $’s for a new business? You might need to buy a dictionary, first, too. VC, PE, IPO, NPV, IRR, ROE, EBIT, Hedge, Bank. Speaking the real language of business, as we decode the alphabet of finance.
- Timeline of Century Bank
- Inside their Coolidge Corner (Brookline) branch
- Coolidge Corner from the outside
- Century Bank on the North Shore
- Another Century Bank branch