Manhattan comes to China: Arrival in Shanghai


Manhattan comes to China: Arrival in Shanghai

Greetings from the Middle Kingdown, in city #3… Shanghai. I was solo yesterday but had a nice reception at the airport, upon arrival. After checking in and grabbing lunch, we did an office visit at Zcheer, the organizing company for everything over the next few days. It felt like part start-up and part up-and-coming Chinese firm all rolled into one. From there, we walked to the evening reception, kicking off everything in Shanghai. Each of the 20+ attendees introduced themselves over drinks through a get-to-know you meet-and-greet, with 4 minute personal (Chinese) introductions. We mingled over drinks and Western food, with the latest top-40 music playing in the background. Very cool bar whose web site is here.

The last 3 events are today: 1) Speech with 3 different speakers, 2) company meeting to go deeper into contents covered in the keynote address and 3) closing reception. The company sponsoring the afternoon has already impressively posed nearly 20 questions they’d like covered.

30 different pictures are above from our wrap in up in the south to last night’s festivities. Info (in Chinese) in Zcheer follows as well.

Thanks for your interest in the trip!


2008年初,公司早期的三位创始人Michael, Karen和Andy共同确定了“自成”作为公司的品牌并完成了商标注册。“自成”品牌表达了创始人希望依赖于自己的一分耕耘和奋斗,通过真诚而朴实的工作为中国的教育培训和咨询服务业务贡献一些力量。然而事与愿违,业务刚刚开始就遭遇了以2008年9月15日雷曼兄弟申请破产为标志的全球金融风暴,无数公司都面临业务急剧萎缩频临倒闭的命运。困难面前,三位主要创始人和早期员工同呼吸,共命运,以超凡的毅力在极端困难的情况下奋力冲出一条出路,在美国注册管理会计师(CMA)认证培训领域获得了非凡的成绩并稳住了业务继续前进的阵脚。回顾那段历程,公司主要创始人Karen感慨万千,虽然经历了艰难的过程,“自成”品牌也有了更为丰富的内涵,每个人心中都有一个梦想,坚持梦想,并坚定的迈向梦想,打造强大的自信心,在困难面前不低头是我们每个人获得成功的基石。





About Author

Greg Stoller is actively involved in building entrepreneurship and international business programs at Boston University's Questrom School of Business. He teaches courses in entrepreneurship, global strategy and management and runs the Asian International Management Experience Program, and the Asian International Consulting Project.

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