Just Like a Fine Wine, Business Acumen Gets Better With Age


Just Like a Fine Wine, Business Acumen Gets Better With Age

Many thanks to entrepreneur.com for publishing my latest Op Ed on the success of entrepreneurship a bit later in life. The original post is here and an abstract follows below.


The classic description of an entrepreneur is someone who is energetic, young and ready to shake up the world. But some of the best don’t quite fit that definition. Rather, they are decidedly older — yet just as eager to make things happen.

Waiting a bit longer to take the plunge allows a founder to better know industry nuances, employ a network of trusted advisors built over time and personally seed some initial funding, sending a powerful message to investors. Accumulated experiences simply increase one’s chances of entrepreneurial success, with grey hair being a net positive.

Here is some additional content from entrepreneur.com which goes with the article:

It’s Never Too Late: At 78, This Former Physicist is Starting a Hedge Fund

Most people George Zweig’s age are long retired. But for the 78-year-old — who has enjoyed a wildly successful and varied career as a physicist, military strategist, CalTech professor, inventor, software entrepreneur and hedge fund investor — not working isn’t an appealing option.

“I’ve still got it,” he told The Wall Street Journal, adding that without work, “life can be very boring.”

You Can Sidestep the Midlife Crisis By Taking the Midlife Leap Instead

Everyone has heard of the midlife crisis: that embarrassing thing that happens to middle-age men when they wake up one day and realize they don’t like how their life turned out and then start behaving younger than their years, buying sports cars, leaving their wives for younger women and taking irrational risks. There is a female version as well, that involves the pool boy and expensive clothes.


About Author

Greg Stoller is actively involved in building entrepreneurship and international business programs at Boston University's Questrom School of Business. He teaches courses in entrepreneurship, global strategy and management and runs the Asian International Management Experience Program, and the Asian International Consulting Project.

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