Boston Seagull Entrepreneurship Contest


Boston Seagull Entrepreneurship Contest

The Boston University Chinese Students and Scholars association is holding an entrepreneurship contest today. One of my colleagues asked me to be a judge. I have to admit this is a first for me, as it’s entirely in Chinese.  I just arrived at Questrom and I’m very impressed with how much time and effort the undergrad students have already put into planning this. Should be great afternoon.

During the contest, and through a series of pre- training warm-up , we take a comprehensive approach to improve the professional capacity of entrepreneurs. Ventures are advanced in the form of the ultimate challenge to inspire potential entrepreneurs. Emerging business teams will meet face to face with senior guests and well-known investors in the industry. China’s rapid development and its strong market potential for the new generation of Chinese students paints a promising blueprint for the future . The Seagull Entrepreneurship contest upholds the most wonderful collection of ideas, provides the most professional guidance, as well as the fulfilling a purpose of bringing together the most qualified experts, determined to build North America ‘s most valuable Chinese business students pinnacle further.

白鸥创业盛典-2016北美商学院创业挑战赛是由波士顿大学中国学生学者联合会(Boston University Chinese Student & Scholars Association – BUCSSA)举办的非盈利性创业大赛。通过集结各大商学院优秀学生团队,中国留学生的巧思妙想将在这一平台上获得最大化的关注。

白鸥创业盛典通过一系列的前期预热培训,全方位提升创业者专业能力。创业终极盛宴进一步以挑战赛的形式 激发创业者的潜能。新兴创业团队将在活动现场与资深嘉宾和知名投资人面对面交流。中国的快速发展和其强大的市场潜力为新一代中国留学生描绘出一幅充满希望的未来蓝图。白鸥创业盛典秉承着集合最妙想法,提供最专业指导,以及汇集最资深专家的宗旨,立志于打造北美中国留学生创业最具价值的巅峰盛宴。

2016年白鸥大赛初赛将于2016年3月19日拉开序幕,终极盛宴将于3月19日于波士顿大学商学院Questrom School of Business举办。 报名及递交商业计划书的截止时间为2016年3月4日11:59PM。 请通过本页面底部的报名链接或微信宣传里的链接根据指示报名及提交你的商业计划书。 白鸥举办者拥有延迟报名截止时间的权利。 如有延迟,举办者将通过邮件,微信公众号及Facebook主页通知。


About Author

Greg Stoller is actively involved in building entrepreneurship and international business programs at Boston University's Questrom School of Business. He teaches courses in entrepreneurship, global strategy and management and runs the Asian International Management Experience Program, and the Asian International Consulting Project.

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