Terrific article on Global Management Experience course
Many thanks to writer Joel Brown for a terrific article which ran today on the Global Management Experience course. Here is the link to his piece. Joel put in a *ton* of time over the past 6 weeks interviewing our students, collecting pictures, fact checking, etc. just for this article. An abstract follows below.
Additionally, a huge thanks to Paul Carlile, Questrom Senior Associate Dean for Curriculum and Innovation, Siobhan O’Mahony Strategy & Innovation Dept. Chair, Steve Davidson Associate Dean, Academic Programs, Rachel Reiser Assistant Dean for the Undergraduate Program and Karen Plescia Assistant UPO Director. Karen traveled with me. Without these 5, this program would have never come to life.
Benjamin Graham (ENG’16) liked Hong Kong a lot, especially its gleaming skyscrapers juxtaposed with open-air beach markets. Samantha Sweig (Questrom’16) was surprised by the elaborate tea formally served during a visit to an oil company in Beijing. Finance major Israel Alarcon (CGS’17, Questrom’17) ate a fried scorpion.
The 3 were among 16 students who visited Beijing and Hong Kong during spring break as part of a new Questrom School of Business undergraduate course, Global Management Experience, taught by Gregory Stoller, a Questrom senior lecturer in strategy and innovation.
The course is designed to give students a real taste of an increasingly global business world. “It’s one thing to have a guest speaker, but I’m trying to put them in the field so they can hear from multiple executives directly and understand how business is practiced in reality,” Stoller says. During their weeklong trip, the students met with local business leaders, toured companies, and connected with BU alumni to get an up-close look at global business practices.