China Consulting Course Info Sessions on 3/18: 11 am and 5 pm
Consult to a Chinese firm in Beijing this fall! Due to COVID-19, it’s too early to tell if we’ll have a chance to physically travel to Beijing in January but our partner of over 15+ years is nonetheless willing to support everything remotely, and provide the same degree of rigor. If you’re unable to attend the Info Session, feel free to contact me directly at and we’ll record it. A 1-page Resume and 1-page Cover Letter are due on 4/1, to be reviewed by the client for Program Acceptance. Check out the 10 second promo below.
A 10 second teaser is here, a 90-second overview is below, and more info on the class is here, with examples of past projects. Here is the Zoom link.
Zoom info is:
Meeting ID: 988 2435 5646
Passcode: 733934