Global Management Experience: Application Deadline 10/28, 5 pm
Spend Spring Break in Asia and get course credit in the process. We have 12 firms confirmed to meet with us in Hong Kong and Shanghai in March / 2017.
- Our two remaining Info Sessions are scheduled for this coming week:
- Monday 10/24, 12 – 1 pm in KCB, room 201
- Thursday 10/27, 9:30 – 10:30 in HAR, room 105
- The course application is available upon request, by contact
- Application materials due by 5 pm on 10/28 to
Here’s the web site for the course and a Blog entry with more information, including pictures from last year.
Our Global Management Experience program provides exceptional exposure to economic activity, market trends and culture in Asia often with a focus on entrepreneurship, finance and international business. The four-credit elective course culminates with a one-week trip abroad. Pre-travel course work includes exploration of economic, governmental and social factors that affect the conduct of business in a variety of industries and contexts. The trip involves visiting business executives, government leaders and entrepreneurs, observing first-hand the application of management principles and strategies in the global arena.
This is a spring semester course with preparatory sessions on Friday mornings up to the field study portion of the corse over Spring Break. Even if you can’t attend the remaining 2 Information Sessions you’re still welcome to apply. We are looking for Juniors and Seniors from across the BU campus.
For more information, or if you have questions, please contact Gregory Stoller at: We look forward to having you in the course and traveling together to Asia!
Info Session Flyer