Podcast: Do This One Thing Every Year


Podcast: Do This One Thing Every Year

Thanks Things I Didn’t Learn at Harvard Podcast and Victor Lee and Rajiv Jadhav for the opportunity to join the show. I enjoyed the opportunity immensely.
Things I Didn't Learn at Harvard Podcast
Things I Didn’t Learn at Harvard Podcast1 hour ago

What #networking techniques does Greg Stoller teach at Questrom School of Business, Boston University that could help you build your #business ?

Let’s start with his innovative approach of asking people to “Do This One Thing Each Year.”

— It’s straightforward and often interesting – guest lecture for one of his classes, judge one of his #businessplan competitions, help out at an event

— It’s often for his students, not for him personally

— It’s fun, not that difficult, and the participant is likely to get something out of it

— And (here’s the key) he only asks once a year

Hear more of what Greg teaches his students about #entrepreneurship and #innovation and what he revealed to Rajiv Jadhav and Victor Lee in this week’s episode:



About Author

Greg Stoller is actively involved in building entrepreneurship and international business programs at Boston University's Questrom School of Business. He teaches courses in entrepreneurship, global strategy and management and runs the Asian International Management Experience Program, and the Asian International Consulting Project.

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