Choose To Be Nice: A new way of life


Choose To Be Nice: A new way of life

Congrats once again to Dina Creiger on her start-up’s continued success. Originally reported here in November, 2014 through my Blog, Choose To Be Nice continues to excel. Here is some great press from the Brockton Enterprise. The picture above comes from the same article and is even available for purchase!

About Us

Choose To Be Nice is a long time coming! Dina Creiger, Founder, kicked around the crazy idea of encouraging and inspiring kindness for a couple of years. An unexpected tragedy, the Boston Marathon Bombings, compelled her to finally move forward.

Since that awful day Dina hasn’t stopped thinking about how the world truly is ready for Choose To Be Nice, a dedication to inspiring and encouraging kindness. After all, even in today’s fast-paced, sometimes impersonal world, you still catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Our Mission


The mission of Choose To Be Nice is very simple. We want to inspire, promote and encourage kindness whenever and wherever possible.

Our Goal

We’re looking for a million people who want to make the world a better place and to help spread our message. When you wear a Choose To Be Nice t-shirt, you’ll notice right away that your interactions with others are more positive and more meaningful. Let us know what you experience when you wear your shirt!

Our goal is to have at least 1 million people from around the world sign the Choose To Be Nice promise by the end of 2020. You can help make the world a nicer place.

Go ahead, sign today!

The Choose To Be Nice Promise

I promise to help spread kindness wherever and whenever possible. And to the very best of my ability, I’ll be nice to those with whom I come into contact on a daily basis.


About Author

Greg Stoller is actively involved in building entrepreneurship and international business programs at Boston University's Questrom School of Business. He teaches courses in entrepreneurship, global strategy and management and runs the Asian International Management Experience Program, and the Asian International Consulting Project.

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